Your natural smile your natural beauty

Our Services

Your natural smile, your natural beauty, just more visible, more clear.

No need for new crowns, or veneers, no need for implants or operations, you have the essence to build on, to build it up.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners - Invisalign

Clear aligners are convenient and modern way to straighten your teeth, without the need for braces, your treatment plan will be designed by a computer program, and clear aligners delivered to you to change at home, week after week you will see the progress of your teeth movement.

Clear aligners are perfect for cosmetic treatments, small irregularities, slightly crooked teeth, small spaces and so on.

Consultation: 900 SEK.

Impressions of teeth: 1000 SEK.

Treatment plan (3D video): 2750 SEK.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

We offer home whitening using individually made plastic trays which fit on your teeth and bleaching gel thay you will apply on teeth using the plastic trays.

Inman Aligner

Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner is the perfect solution for crowding or protrusion of the 4 front teeth. It is really efficient, very safe and great value. With the patented Inman Aligner, your front teeth can be gently guided to an ideal position in a matter of weeks. Most cases complete in 6-18 weeks and because it's removable you can take it out to fit with your lifestyle.

Consultation: 900 SEK.

Impressions of teeth: 1000 SEK.

Treatment plan (illustration): 1500 SEK.

Clear aligners Packages

Clear Aligners

Small Package

29000 SEK

Medium Package

39000 SEK

Large Package

49000 SEK

Home whitening

3100 SEK

Inman Aligner

One jaw

19000 SEK

Two jaws

35000 SEK

Visit fee

900 SEK

About Us

Offering affordable solutions for pretty smiles, smile after smile, we aim for the Perfect Smile in Stockholm.

Contact us for a consultation (900 SEK), and book your appointment for a treatment.

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Inman Aligner